1- Self-sufficiency
Get involved in regional projects in which the best agricultural practices, such as permaculture and biodynamic agriculture, are synthesized with energetic healing work for the landscape, so that the cultivation of food can store the greatest possible vital energy again in this way. The aim is to ensure that people are nourished not only physically but also energetically through food and can build up their vitality. The projects consistently avoid genetically modified seeds, artificial fertilizers and, for the most part, the use of machinery.
Ideas for projects
#11- Self-sufficient Balconies
Vegetables in bags? A crazy idea? No, balconies offer wonderful spaces and great potential to cover part of our self-sufficiency. Get involved in projects in which you experiment with how balconies can be cultivated profitably and share your knowledge and experience with others, e.g. in lectures and seminars.
#12- Self-sufficient Cities
Cities have many green spaces, but also fallow land that could be horticulturally cultivated in a positive and beneficial way. This allows regional products to be produced directly in the city. Organize projects in which communities are created that specialize in the organic cultivation of green and fallow land in the city. The regionally grown products can be sold at weekly markets, for example. The sources of income can be used to realize further projects.
#13- Shared Gardens
Many people have large gardens, some of which they leave to run wild or overgrown with grass because they don't have the time or inclination to use them for self-sufficiency. A great way to change this is to open up the gardens to trustworthy people with the time and inclination and to strive for joint organic cultivation. One person makes their garden available for cultivation. Another person has the time and inclination to plant vegetable patches for self-sufficiency and look after them. In the end, the yield is shared.
#14- Self-sufficient Streets
Many streets have great potential for self-sufficiency, as there is often a lot of space available for organic farming. Neighbors with similar interests could join forces and redesign their living environments in such a way that self-sufficiency becomes part of a street concept. Growing and sharing is the motto here. Bee colonies, for example, could find a home in gardens and supply the residents of a street with fresh honey. Chickens can be set up and provide the residents of the street with fresh eggs. Neighborhood communities can also coordinate and grow different types of fruit and vegetables to share with each other. Initiate projects that bring neighbors together and inspire and accompany them in their process.
#15- Vedic fire Ceremonies
There are studies that show, for example, that the Agni Hotra ritual, a Vedic fire ceremony, has an energetically harmonizing effect on the atmosphere. Vegetables and fruit grown under this influence develop harmonious molecular structures and are energetically of high nutritional value. With little effort, performed daily in the morning and evening, the Agni Hotra is a wonderful method to have a healing effect on the atmosphere and to energize the food. Initiate projects in which the Agni Hotra ritual is practiced in conjunction with organic farming.
#16- The conscious Consumer
We have a great deal of power through our consumer behavior and play a decisive role in shaping economic and environmental developments and trends on the planet. Demand determines supply. Through our consumer behavior, we decide which developments we support on earth. Many people are unconscious consumers and are unaware of many background factors. Initiate projects and lectures in which people are empowered to become conscious consumers, in which they learn to positively influence developments on earth through conscious decisions in their consumer behavior.
#17- Permaculture and biodynamic Agriculture
Permaculture and biodynamic agriculture are two organic farming methods that work with natural cycles and in harmony with nature and aim to grow fruit and vegetables in their natural state. Initiate projects and lectures in which you inspire, enthuse and enrich other people with your knowledge.
#18- From Conventional to Organic farming
Get involved in projects worldwide in which you help farmers, especially those from poorer countries, to adopt sustainable and organic farming, raise awareness of the need for organic farming, train them and connect them with greater opportunities to secure a regular source of income for themselves and their families.
#19- Homemade
If we grow our own food, at some point the question arises as to how we can make further use of the harvest. Especially if we have a surplus harvest and can't eat it all ourselves. Of course, it is great and important that we also think about our fellow human beings and share part of the harvest. But it is also interesting to ask how we can preserve part of the harvest in a natural and tasty way and store it. People in the past had this knowledge and it is time for it to come back to us. If you are interested in this topic, then organize projects or lectures in which you share your old or newly acquired knowledge with others.