3- Holistic Health

Today we live in a denaturalized and institutionalized society. This is also how the healthcare system is structured. Conventional medicine is dominated and shaped by a pharmacological and mechanistic view of the human being. People are treated for their symptoms and dysfunctional mechanics, but the cause is often not remedied. Nature is our natural healer. Health and illness are natural processes that arise from a balance or imbalance. Illness occurs when a person has left their state of equilibrium. Health occurs when we begin to follow our intuition and return to our original balance. Western and Eastern medicine differ fundamentally in their understanding of what this means. In order to be able to serve people holistically and to their best advantage, a synthesis and rethinking of the practitioner, treatment system and patient is required in many respects.

Ideas for Projects

#31- Cultivation of Medicinal Plants

The demand for medicinal plants has increased worldwide. More and more people prefer the healing effects of medicinal plants to treat illnesses. Demand now exceeds supply and the growing demand is difficult to meet. Get involved in the targeted cultivation of medicinal plants. Cooperate with farmers or plant your own arable land that is available to you.

#32- The Empowered and Responsible Patient 

With this project you enable people to learn to listen to themselves again, e.g. through lectures or seminars, and to activate contact with the intuitive inner healer who naturally shows us the way to healing from within.

#33- Ayurveda 

Ayurveda translates as the science of long life. It is an Indian healing science that has existed for more than 5,000 years and works, acts and heals in harmony with the laws of nature. It helps people to return to their original harmony and in this way promotes their health on a physical, mental and spiritual level. If you feel connected to the topic of Ayurveda, help to spread Ayurveda so that people can reconnect with their original nature and live a joyful life in harmony with themselves.

#34- Natrual Birth

Women have forgotten to trust their own intuitive power, also with regard to births. Today, more and more women are being led to believe that giving birth in birth centers or even at home is dangerous. However, it turns out that women who give birth in their own home with their family are much more relaxed. If you have expertise in this field, then get involved in projects that develop new birth models that work in harmony with women's natural inner guidance and enable them to trust their own strength again.

#36- Healthy Food in Hospitals

People are what they eat. People who are ill need a healthy, restorative and strengthening diet that boosts their energy levels and promotes the healing process. The food served in most hospitals, for example, is a disaster from an Ayurvedic and yogic point of view, as it weakens the patient's energy level, stresses the body and blocks the healing process. It is also possible to implement a healthy and energizing diet that promotes the patient's healing process with little financial outlay. Get involved in projects that create awareness and initiate change in this context.

#35- Advice center for Alternative and Conventional Healing Methods

Many people who are ill experience shock and great uncertainty when they receive a diagnosis. They do not know which treatment method to choose and what measures they should take to embark on their personal healing journey. Many people wish for gentle healing methods. So that the sick person can obtain comprehensive information about the best existing conventional and alternative offers and does not lose a lot of time, they should receive a holistic overview of the best conventional and alternative proven healing methods at the advice center, so that they are able to make the decision for their treatment as quickly and independently as possible on the basis of this knowledge. The advice center should also help the patient to find a cooperating professional treatment team that forms an interface between conventional and alternative medicine in the form of medical specialists, alternative practitioners and healers and takes the patient's wishes into account. In this project, you will build networks and act as a link between people and the various practitioners and healing methods.

#37- Medical Care in poorer Regions of the World

Establish projects that enable a synthesis of conventional and alternative medical care in remote and poor areas of the world. The aim is to establish health centers around the world where people in the region can receive holistic treatment as well as training in health professions such as yoga, Ayurveda, medical studies or other healing methods. The aim is to ensure comprehensive medical care with the best offers.

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Vision & Project of In Harmony with Nature e.V.